RRB NTPC 10 April 2016 Question Paper Answers Key - 3rd Shift Evening
RRB NTPC 10 April 2016 Question Paper Answers Key - 3rd Shift Evening
- Study of Humankind? - Anthropology
- ISRO full form? - Indian Space Research Organization
- What is the age of Retirement of the judge of Supreme Court? 65 Years
- Who declare financial emergency? - President
- Who is the BCCI cricketer of the year 2015? - Virat Kohli
- Who built Red Fort of Delhi? – Shahjaha
- DVD full form? - Digital Video/Versatile Disc
- Mahabodhi temple location at? - Bodh Gaya, Bihar
- Who is Maharashtra Tiger’s Ambassador?Amitabh Bachchan
- M.A chidambaram trophy best woman cricketer 2015? - Mithali Raj
- Goa was liberated from Portugal by which movement? - Goa Liberation Movement
- Saurology is the study of? The study of lizards
- Which acid help in human body for digestion? - Gastric Acid (HCl)
- Largest cell in human body? - Ovum
- Dirty Blood if carried by? - RENAL ARTERY
- First Human heart transplant performed at? South Africa in 1967
- Badminton Grand slam winner 2016- p.v.sindhu
- Bharat chhodo andolan -8 Aug 1942
- Anibarn lahiri related to - golf
- kundakulam nuclear power Plant is in which state? – Tamil Nadu
- Brihadeeswarar Temple was built by? - Raja Raja Chola I
- Serology is? – Study of serum
